What technologies can help create a digital building

Internal DC grid utilising the above technologies, reduction of AC/DC conversions within a building creating an

efficient and effective power solution with a big reduction in energy and carbon.


SELV (Safe Extra Low Voltage) PoE, utilising the current infrastructure used within the building,

enabling a convergence of solutions, ensure the solution installed has the capability to harness the amount or power

you want to distribute to your PD (Powered Devices)


Fault managed Power (FMP) , a power source that is integrated DC power, safe to touch, built in managed GUI

delivering up to 1200watts over a 1 to 1.5km distance dependant on conductor size

Voltage band one so no need to use electricians to install the cabling between transmitter and receiver

Can be installed in standard infrastructure, no need to use separated power ducts

In 2022 UL released two Outlines: UL 1400-1 and UL-1400-2 to address the “safe-to-touch” electrical systems naming them as Fault-Managed Power Systems (FMPS) also referred as “Class 4 Power Systems” to in the USA National Electrical Code (NEC).

Class 4 power systems are not power limited at the source, like Class 2 or 3, but are power limited with respect to risk of electric shock and fire hazards between the output of the Class 4 Transmitter and input of the Class 4 Receiver.

What an internal DC grid would look like


Internal DC grid

SELV is part of Voltage Band 1 standard, ensuring no need for electricians

Utilising the two technologies will create an efficiency within the building, each AC/DC conversion takes a minimum of 5-7% of energy waste

Lights, computers, laptops,


AC/DC Conversion Savings


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